The Max Michael Rosenfield Foundation is excited to announce that they will be gifting two basketball hoops to Farmingville Elementary School in honor of Max Rosenfield and Mr. Kenneth Gibson. Max and Mr Gibson shared a very special friendship and truly made a difference in the school they both loved.
Mr. Gibson taught at Farmingville for over 41 years. During his tenure, Mr. Gibson touched the lives of many children and families with his kindness and his genuine passion for teaching. The Foundation is honored to be recognizing Mr. Gibson for the role he played in the community as an educator and to thank him for the extraordinary part he played in Max’s life as his second grade teacher.
The Max Michael Rosenfield Foundation is committed to helping children of all abilities experience childhood joys; to nurture philanthropic activities that positively impact the lives of children and to spread the good will and love that Max showed to everyone he met.
The basketball hoops are scheduled to be installed at Farmingville Elementary School for the Fall 2014-2015 school year.
Read it here on the Ridgefield Patch.